Monday, November 30, 2009


Rox and I saw a squirrel eating a quesadilla.
I have fallen even more in love with Seattle.
I WILL be there next Fall.

Thursday, November 19, 2009


Both of my sisters might have swine flu... so it's a good thing I'm going to Seattle tomorrow! I'm so excited! I know I've never spent Thanksgiving with my family here but I don't see myself having that great of a time. We don't have any real family plans. So far it sounds like they're going to a family friends house all day. Seattle sounds a lot more amusing. We aren't sure what we'll be doing Thursday but we'll make it awesome. Even if we have to hobo it over to the homeless shelter and bum for some of their food... which we probably won't do. Something we will do for sure is make epic forts in the common room of Rox's dorm and have hot cocoa! I can't wait to see Rox and Chels again. I miss them so much. I hope we will have epic adventures next week!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Words cannot even begin to describe how amazing the U2 concert was. So I'm not even going to attempt writing about it. But I will leave this:

Seattle: I love it. I spent a day there last week. I was with my best friends again and it was wonderful. I hate being this far away from them. Even if it is only 3 hours. I can't wait to join them there. I'm seriously considering applying to UW again. I don't like the environment I'm in. I can't stand the tension and oppression at home. But I don't want to leave my dad. I cherish our conversations on my way to and from school. I'm the one he talks to about the whole situation we're in. I listen and don't judge. I'm there for him and he's there for me. This is the hardest thing about wanting to leave here. I know I could visit but it's not the same. I want to be here for him.

Canada: AS EPIC AS MY FUTURE MAINE COON! I love Canada, especially the people. I met some really awesome peeps and I can't wait to see them all again. I get so excited when Rox and I talk about going back. We already have two more trips in mind. Damn that was an epic time we had.