Monday, November 30, 2009


Rox and I saw a squirrel eating a quesadilla.
I have fallen even more in love with Seattle.
I WILL be there next Fall.

Thursday, November 19, 2009


Both of my sisters might have swine flu... so it's a good thing I'm going to Seattle tomorrow! I'm so excited! I know I've never spent Thanksgiving with my family here but I don't see myself having that great of a time. We don't have any real family plans. So far it sounds like they're going to a family friends house all day. Seattle sounds a lot more amusing. We aren't sure what we'll be doing Thursday but we'll make it awesome. Even if we have to hobo it over to the homeless shelter and bum for some of their food... which we probably won't do. Something we will do for sure is make epic forts in the common room of Rox's dorm and have hot cocoa! I can't wait to see Rox and Chels again. I miss them so much. I hope we will have epic adventures next week!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Words cannot even begin to describe how amazing the U2 concert was. So I'm not even going to attempt writing about it. But I will leave this:

Seattle: I love it. I spent a day there last week. I was with my best friends again and it was wonderful. I hate being this far away from them. Even if it is only 3 hours. I can't wait to join them there. I'm seriously considering applying to UW again. I don't like the environment I'm in. I can't stand the tension and oppression at home. But I don't want to leave my dad. I cherish our conversations on my way to and from school. I'm the one he talks to about the whole situation we're in. I listen and don't judge. I'm there for him and he's there for me. This is the hardest thing about wanting to leave here. I know I could visit but it's not the same. I want to be here for him.

Canada: AS EPIC AS MY FUTURE MAINE COON! I love Canada, especially the people. I met some really awesome peeps and I can't wait to see them all again. I get so excited when Rox and I talk about going back. We already have two more trips in mind. Damn that was an epic time we had.

Friday, October 16, 2009


I reallyyyy have to work on blogging more often =]

So this is what's been going down lately: school, school, aaaaand school. I love it! There is just soooo much learning going around! I learn something new everyday. I'm taking English 101(It's nice since there are some fun people in it), English 102(It has been really helping me with the whole process of writing, as well as editing), Precalc(I pretty much hate this class because I JUST took precalc and we seem to be learning totally different stuff that I do not understand), Biology(Very interesting. My love for this class confirms that I actually do want to major in it), and Biology Lab. I LOVE this class. There are so many awesome people at my table like Devyn, Reid(Sadly he is planning on transferring to a college in the Northeast), Katie, Bethany, and this other guy who doesn't talk that much but seems pretty cool. We have so much fun. It's a good thing I really like this class since it's almost three hours long =]

Registration for next semester is coming up soon and I just took a look at the schedule of classes. I set up what would be my perfect schedule and it really is perfect to me. I would only have class on Monday and Wednesday. I would have Economics in the morning, a break in the afternoon, then Archaeology, Math for Life Sciences, thennnn Astronomy in the evening! =] Soooo perfect! I really hope I can get the classes I want. Aaaand since I'll have my car I can get a job and actually work during the week and earn money so I can go to Seattle and see my bestest friends and we can road trip and fun stuff =3

Here's a cool pic I took through a microscope in Bio Lab =]

Thursday, August 20, 2009


I've really wanted to blog lately but never really had the time. Now, since I'm going to be home all alone today, I figured it would a good time. This will probably be a long one because a lot has happened lately. So here we go.

First off, I would like to talk about something that has happened very recently. As in last night. I'm a twitterer so I tweet every now and then and so does Nicka. She's very much devoted to it. Last night she sent a tweet. It said: "I don't enjoy having you around. I'm sick of hearing you say how much "better" you think you are than I am. You make me want to scream. Bye." I don't know if it's pointed towards me or what. I figure it might be since I'm around but I have NEVER said that I was "better" than her. Ever. I find this quite insulting. I have no hard feelings toward her and if she does have a problem with me, then I'd appreciate it if she came out and told me so that we can work things out. That'd be really nice since I consider her to be one of my best friends. It's hard for me right now because I don't have any friends here and she's the only one here I feel that I can really talk to and will listen and understand. Nicka, I'm sorry for whatever I did. If I did say something I probably didn't mean it how you took it because I would never say anything to you that would make you mad. You mean a lot to me and I really enjoy having you around =] Also just so she knows, I'm 17 and can buy movie tickets for rated R movies if she ever wants to go because I know she does.

Okay next thing on my list would be our trip to California. I went there to visit my grandparents with my dad, my stepmom Vangie(so if I say mom here I mean her), Nicka, and Kiana. There were some good times and bad times. Good would be going eat at Jollibee, having loads of fun at Soak City, just walking around the beach since it's way too crowded and cold to go in, getting Louis a nose ring, and finding movie star's houses. Bad would be the heat, being ignored part of the time by mom and Nicka and having my mom say I'm not family. That hurt. Especially for someone who has gone through having parents getting a divorce. So I talked to my grandma. She is seriously the most loving person I have ever met in my life. I think I'd go crazy without her. That night she talked to me about everything, God, my mom, my mom mom, my dad, my uncles and aunt, my cousins, her and my grandpa, her sisters. I just got a lot better insight on my whole family. I feel like I can understand them a lot more now. She really helped me and Vangie work things out too. I'm so glad things are good between us. I'm also glad I learned more about my family. It's weird. I found out that my grandma(my mom's mom. not the one I was talking with) divorced her husband(my mom's dad) when she was really little and then got remarried and divorced him right before my mom graduated. Strange. I'd gone through the EXACT same thing my mom did. I was just like wooooaaaah O.O weird much. Okay... well I've got more to write about and I don't want this blog to be too long!

After California, we drove up to very Southern Oregon, through Klamath Falls, Bonanza, and to the Gerber ranch. It's owned my our neighbor's mom Sylvia. She's pretty dang cool. She has hundreds of cows, a bunch of horses, three pigs, 3 dogs, and a lot a lot of kittens that live in the barn. It was really nice and relaxing. The second day we were there my dad and I, along with Sylvia, her granddaughter who lives by us, and Nathan her son in law, got to herd cattle! So we saddled up five horses, took them to near where the cows were wandering, and herded them through wilderness, cinder roads, rocks, water, and gates till they were in their new area by Gerber springs. Sylvia owns a lot of this land. That was one of the neatest experiences of my life. Oh and did I mention we had to tag baby calf's ears, castrate some, and take the horns off of one. Yeah. Nasty and bloody and lots of cow screams. But everything else was fun =]

LAST THING. Woohoo! School! I just had day two and three of freshmen orientation and Washington State University Vancouver! It was awesome. I met people like Lia, Devyon, Alexa, Zachary, Colby, Alex, Brooke(who had a viral infection and couldn't come the second day), Cassie, and some other people. The student amabassadors were epic. The first day I was with Sierra and Bret. They were really fun. The second and third days I was with Elena who was also really fun. We did a tour of the campus, played games like slaptastic, ride the pony, jedi mindtricks, and the shout out game. We also heard some of the proffessors talk about classes, what to do and not to do. We heard some other people talk and we ate food. Hawaiian BBQ. Hah. Deyvon and I were just like... uh wow. She lived on Oahu for 3 years and Maui for 9. She's like the palest person ever and has red hair. She's nice. So was everyone else. Oh and I'm really looking forward to going behind the scenes at the Oregon Zoo and taking a trip to Pullman to watch the Cougars play football! That'll be epic for sure.

One more thing before I end this. My mom's Subaru got lots of things fixed and if this next thing goes well, we might ship it here and I'll have a car! I need to get my permit as soon as she sends me my birth certificate since we need proof that my dad is related to me. Wtf. I was totally gonna bring some strange guy in and say it was my dad. *sarcasm*

I'll be sure to blog after my first day of school on MONDAY. Nervous...

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Last night was one of the most fun times I've had since I've moved to "the Shoug". It began with the Dollar Tree. Nicka, Kiana, and I bought a whole bunch of glow sticks. We went home, waited untill it was dark, then went on our trampoline... WITH THE GLOW STICKS. We used some as bracelets and necklaces but most of them were on the trampoline. When we would jump, they would fly everywhere and spin around. It was seriously really awesome. After a while Kiana left because she can't stay up very late no matter how hard she tries. So it was me and Nicka and a shit ton of glow sticks. We stopped jumping and just watched the stars. I busted out my penguin ipod playing thing. It's a stuffed animal that I can hook my ipod up to. It's pretty damn bad ass. We also got blankets and pillows. Within about two hours we saw a total of 18 shooting stars! It was amazing! I loooove watching the stars. We continued to watch the stars for another hour (we only saw one within that whole hour and Nicka happened to by rubbing her eye at that exact moment >.<) and that was where we felll asleep last night... till about 5:30 when we decided we were freezing cold.

Sunday, July 19, 2009


I'm home. I love it.

So about two weeks ago I left Maui. I was crazyyy nervous and had no idea what it would feel like to be gone. So far I'm very happy with things. I miss my friends more than anything but they'll be close to me soon enough. I can't wait for college and all of the adventures that await in this new state.
I'm sitting in my new living room with my stepsister Nicka in my new home in Washougal, Washington. We just got back from our neighbor's grandma's beach house. In case you didn't know, Oregon beaches are really fucking cold, but totally amazing.
The house we stayed in was furnished in the 70's and had a total Napoleon Dynamite feel to it.

After I left Maui, but before I arrived at my new home, I went to Seattle and Victoria, Canada with my mom and her cousin Marcia. I've been wanting to blog for a while now but I was planning on it after my mom sent me my pictures from our trip. My camera died and I ended up bringing the wrong charger so I was cameraless most of the time. She hasn't sent the pics yet. Anyway, I'm extremely jealous of my friends for getting to live in the beautiful city of Seattle. I'm going to live there someday. I swear I will. My mom, Marcia, and I went to Pike's Market, the Space Needle, the Science Fiction museum, the Experience Music Project museum, and a few other places. It was really cool but we definately didn't have enough time to explore everything. I'm really looking forward to visiting Rox and Chels up there.
Our next stop was Victoria. We took a seaplane in which was uber cool. I had never been to Canada and I must say that it was the most pretty city I've ever been to. We basically just wandered the streets and shopped most of the time. Oh and people said "Eh?" and it made me super happy! Haha. Well on one of our last days there we took a bus up to the Butchart Gardens and DUDE. Wow. It was incredible. It made me suuuuper depressed that I didn't have my camera. Flowers and trees and cute little brick paths everywhere. Don't even get me started on how amazing it smelled.

Oh and I got my new little buddy at their gift store! His name is Quatchi (like Sasquatch because he's awesome). He's one of the mascots for the Vancouver 2010 olympics.

So after our adventure in Canada, we took a ferry to Port Angeles, Washington, got a rental car, and drove down to Mount St. Helens then to Portland. We got super lost in Portland but found our way out eventually. I thought it would have been nice to grab some coffee and walk around but I couldn't find the area that I usually go to so that was a bummer. Once we were out of there we drove to Washougal. I figured we could grab some coffee. So we went to Safeway since there's a Starbucks inside and guess who we see? My dad, my stepmom, and my halfsister! HAHAHA. Funniest and most awkward thing of my life. We all chatted for a bit and wowww... nothing weirder than seeing my mom and dad standing next to each other. I haven't seen them together since before I could remember. It was strange. We said bye to them for now, grabbed our coffee and walked down the beach. Along the beach were a bunch of unripe blackberries and my mom being the silly person she is searched high and low for ripe berries. She's like a pro berry hunter. After that we drove to my new home and she helped me carry my things to my new room, in my new hosue, with my new family. Damn I miss her. It was really nice last few hours with my mom before leaving me here.
I haven't said anything about my school so I guess I should say something about that. I took my writing assessment test last week to see which class I would fit best in. I don't know how I did yet but I find out soon. The day after I took the test I met with my academic advisor. He's soooo cool! His name is Bryan Blarlock or something like that. He was super helpful and nice. We started planning which classes I'm gonna take and things like that. I'm not so nervous about school now. I'm kinda worried about being a loner but oh well. I'll survive somehow. I have a registration and orientation ish thing on the 31st. Ahhhh. I'll tell them which classes I want and hopefully my schedule will be close to the one I set for myself. All of the time options for my classes are online so that was cool. I was able to make a few possible schedules for me. The sucky thing is that my dad and stepmom will have to drive me to and from my classes for the first two weeks or until I get my liscense. Rawr.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


I'm leaving Maui in 5 days. I just graduated high school and I won't be living here anymore. It still hasn't hit me. I love it here. I don't want to leave, but I really do. I'm excited to be moving on with my life. Whenever I think about living with my family in Washington I can't help but smile. I haven't lived with my dad in more than 10 years. Every summer and winter has been so special to me because of the time I get to spend with him, my stepmom, my half sister, and my step sister. It's gonna be weird after a while. I'll feel like I'm supposed to leave soon but I won't be. I hope everything goes fine. I'm sure it will. College will be interesting. I'm going to be such a loner! The only friend I'll have is my step sister, Nicka. I suck at making new friends. Of course I'll still have the amazing friends I have now, but the long distance thing is gonna be horrible unless I get a car. Maybe I'll get one for my birthday... *crosses fingers* That'd be great. I'll have to get my license first. Hah.
So next Monday I will be in Seattle. I'm going on a little trip with my mom and her cousin before I go to Washougal. We'll be going to Seattle, Victoria, Port Angeles, then we will be driving down to Portland. I'm really looking forward to it. Gosh I'm gonna miss my mom. I'll miss everything. At least I'll be back for breaks =]

Monday, May 25, 2009


I want to scream my lungs out at you. You have disappointed me beyond belief. You’ve gone through so many changes these past four years. All of which I now think have been for the worst. You’re not the person I once cared so deeply about. You’ve become a totally different person. I don’t know how we could have lost you like we have. Like Lucy, I’ve forgiven you time and time again. Now I just don’t know why I should care anymore. I’ve finally seen what everyone else has seen in you. I’ve been oblivious to how you’ve treated me and how you’ve changed. I wanted to believe that you were still the person I once fell in love with. My eyes have been open to who you truly are now. I feel like I’ve lost a great friend. I don’t know whether I should be angry with you or if I should just try to continue seeing you how I always have. I don’t want to lose our friendship. I really enjoy being with you and talking to you but you’re just not the same. I miss the old you.

Friday, May 15, 2009


My mom was watching that infomercial with the upside down tomato plant and we had the idea to make our own. So basically: tomato plant + milk jug + dirt = awesomeness. Our plant is thriving =] I found out that there's a lot of benefits to growing some plants upside down such as better air circulation and it is better protected from insects who can't to get. I hear cucumbers do really well upside down too. It seems pretty cool. At the moment our plant has 19 little flower buds. It even has it's own little protector. I can't wait until the tomatoes start coming in. Yum.


I had a lovely Mother's Day with my mommy. We left our house at 5:15 am and drove to Hana. We beat all of the lame tourist traffic. Woohoo. At a stop along the way we saw like twenty chickens. I love chickens... sometimes. I just don't like their noises. This one was adorable. It couldn't stay still for the life of it so I couldn't get a good picture of it.
Oh and here's an amusing sign we saw. Haha.
We were going to go to the Seven Sacred Pools but it was closed because people are replacing a bridge. So we went to Hamoa Bay. It was beautifulll. I swear that sand was the softest sand I've ever stepped on. After that we drove upcountry and I saw SHEEP. In case you didn't know, I absolutely adore sheep. If i could, I would have one as a pet. These were prettyyy weird looking. I mean it's not their fault but seriously. Wtf man XD but I still love them.

Well that was the last Mother's Day I will have shared with my mom for a very long time. It was epic just like her =]

Saturday, May 9, 2009


I've decided that I need to write on here more often. Whether it be something I've been up to or just how I'm feeling. So here we go...

Yesterday was very fun. Rox and I decided to go to Outback. Cheesey fries and a chicken cesar salad = YUM. Ate, drank, and chatted with Rox. I love talking to Roxanne. I feel like I could talk to her forever. Which is cool since I'm usually not much of a talker. Chelsea joined us after a while. I always love being around her. There's something about her that I find amazing. I got a text from Sean. Him and Jason the 2nd came and got some food. That was cool since we don't hang out with Sean very much anymore. Chels and I have adopted Jason the 2nd as our minion since he is ninja like us. He's quite an interesting lad. Roxanne still fails at being ninja. Sorry Rox. Chels made Roxanne suck blue cheese/celery/butter out of a straw for $20. HAHA. Rox will never know what excatly we were all laughing about. It's part of our ninjas ways that she will just never understand. So we left Outback, dropped off Jason the 2nd at Taco Bell, picked up Levi, Blake, Mac, Jono, Saumalu, Wyatt, and Will, and headed to Launiopoko. We had an EPIC time playing hide and go seek extremeee. Everyone hid while Rox and Saumalu stayed in Polo (Rox's car) trying to find us. Oh man that was fun. After a couple of hours we went to McDonald's to eat. I love nights like that. So simple but so awesome.

Tomorrw I'm going to Hana with my mommy for Mother's Day =] I'm gonna miss her so much.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009


I've spent the last couple of days at home by myself. It's been nice. I've had plenty of time to think of everything that has been on my mind. Before all of my thoughts and emotions had been mixed and confused. They still are, but not nearly as much. I have realized a lot. I think I've finally moved on. It's not something I want to do but I think I have to. I can't expect myself to be able to change everything around me. It's just not at all possible and I think I'm okay with that. I'm gonna miss it. The way things used to be. Even how they are now. I'll miss it all. The future holds a lot. I know for a fact that I'll struggle with all of the changes, but it'll be alright. I'll be surrounded by people I love. It'll be tough but I'm excited to face everything that comes my way.

Thursday, March 19, 2009


I'm going to Washington State University Vancouver. It's official. Not my first choice but it's all good. I'm sure it will be an easier transition for me. Plus I'll be able to visit my friends in Seattle. And my family there and my grandma will be pleased I'm sure. Go Cougars!

So Roxanne's mom, Bart, and my mom are all on the mainland for a week. It's pretty sweet. We're getting a taste of life without parentals. It's super epic. This weekend is gonna rock =]

Sunday, March 8, 2009


You know those tv shows where something that happened in the previous episode doesn't affect anything in the next episode? I wish my life was like that right now. I wish we could all wake up the next day and leave the the past behind us.

Friday, March 6, 2009


Right now I'm bored in AP Biology. We have a sub for the next three weeks and during Mr. Burns' absence we're supposed to be "preparing ourselves for the AP exam". As I look around I see people playing cards, working on senior project powerpoints, surfing the web, playing with photoshop, and reading. Hah. I love this class. Although this class has been really cruise, I've learned a lot even though my test scores may not show it. We've done some totally awesome labs. In the beginning of the year we made this clear solution turn pink and then back to clear. I thought it was the coolest thing ever. It kept me amused for quite some time. For another lab we had to go out and find plants to look at under microscopes. While we searched for plants I got to play with the deer down in the agriculture department. I've been at this school for almost four years and this area was so new to me. I was surprised at how much there was that I haven't explored. It was amazing. I've had some good times in this class. I'm really going to miss everyone in it next year.

For some strange reason I've been in a terrific mood lately. Nothing great has happened recently but everything seems really easy going and fun. It's odd that I can feel like this. Very often a thought will pop into my head and remind me of something that I wish wasn't happening. I then feel completely shitty and I tell myself there's nothing I can do to make things better. It's been really hard for me having two of my very good friends in such an estrangement. A great person once said, "Shit happens. You just gotta learn to deal with it." I'm having a very hard time dealing with it. I totally broke down yesterday. Thankfully Roxanne was there to comfort me. I just couldn't take it anymore. It's not right. I'm so used to seeing them together, happy and enjoying one another's company. It hurts me so much to see two people I deeply care about, who were once so close, suddenly loose touch. Lately things have just seemed to be getting worse and worse. All I can do is look on the bright side and hope things work out. I really hope they do.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Every time I hear a song of theirs I get butterflies in my stomach. I become enthralled in a new joy that immediately makes all my feelings of hate, sadness, and loss disappear. Whether it’s an old song of theirs or a new one, it still has the same affect on me. I’ve grown up with them and it’s so incredible to know that they are still singing and playing loud and strong. To actually see them performing in front of me was one of the most amazing feelings ever. It was astonishingly unreal. Their music has so much power and meaning. I wish that everyone could feel the way I feel about something in their life like I feel for U2.

Today is the release of their 12th album No Line On The Horizon.
It’s magnificent.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Today was a pretty damn good day.

- I got starbucks this morning.
- Roxanne and I were joined by Chelsea in the parking lot before school.
- Ms. Fields was not here today.
- We had a sub for AP Biology.
- Basically nothing happened in Spanish II.
- Chelsea and I did some plant cuttings after school in Cornell's room.
- I was highly amused while watching Chelsea play solitaire on a smart board.
- Roxanne's laptop battery came in today.
- I was accepted into Washington State University Vancouver.

It's my sencond choice so that's totally awesome. I am still hoping on going to the University of Washington but my grandma really doesn't want me to and since I'd be staying in the dorms (hopefully with Rox) it would be more expensive. I get instate tuition for UW and WSU by the way but neither of my parents have money. Oh and my grandma is pressuring me into getting a job before I leave for college. Like school alone isn't hard enough. I'd much prefer to get a job while I'm in college so I wouldn't be all like "Oh hi. I wanna work for you but I'll be leaving in a couple of months for college." I want to know where I'm going and get settled there, then get a job thank you very much. Jeez. I barely even talk to my grandma anymore. She keeps talking to my dad and step mom trying to get them to make me go to college in Vancouver or maybe even California. There is no way in hell I'm going to college in California. It's like all of a sudden she's trying to make all of these mega huge decisions for me. It's like she's stopping me from doing what I want. Not too long ago I was planning on living in an apartment with Chelsea, Jason, and Sean if I got into UW. When my grandma found out about this she nearly had a heart attack. Oh my! Because living with two guys is so horrible. They're totally going to rape me in my sleep. I'm such a bad person for wanting to live with my best friends. I really don't think she trusts me at all. Right now I'm set on going to UW this fall. None of them can stop me. Unless we end up having no way of paying for tuition and I don't get any financial aid or scholarships. Gosh I hate money.